Politics, religions

Improved the 2024-05-09 at 08:35. 24-02-05 at 21:20 Introduction. 2023-02-16 amorism hallows virtues, not demands and politics; the Church. 23-02-14 Christianity; Amorism; to suggest humans to punish is politics. 23-02-13 definition of philosophy, politics and religion; Sufism (Qutb or Shaykh); Islamic groups; power; image text; communism; Amoristic virtues inspired by Christianity enables democracy; texts can be political. 23-02-12 ideas and illusions can dramatically affect society. This article was published on www.amorism.cc the 2023-02-12 at 14:03 o'clock Swedish time.

Politics, religions and ideas. Why some of such are not political. Why other such are very political

jpg.Fredrik Vesterberg och Sameh Egyptson
Image 1. In the eveneing the
2023-02-10, a few minutes after
Egyptson was elected to be 
a Doctor at Lunds universitet.
Dear readers, I and amorism wish the best to you and all beings, 
(but I can't solve all problems)

Thanks to Sameh Egyptson for his doctoral thesis! The doctoral thesis describes how some Muslims act to manifest political Islam in Sweden. It explains how some Muslims act in Sweden, in political parties, in Svenska kyrkan (The Curch of Sweden) and other organisations. The strategy is: first friendship and then take over. Such activity is also ongoing globally. Egyptson's thesis focuses on the organisation called The Society of the Muslim Brothers. But I emphasise here:  Islam is also active via many other individuals and groups (mosques) in Sweden and globally. The nativity of Muslims in Sweden is higher than the nativity in other groups in Sweden. Therefore the ratio of Muslims is increasing dramatically. This will change Sweden ethnically, culturally, economically and politically. 

I was the only one who asked Egyptson about his definition of politics (at his doctoral dissertation; the defence of his doctoral thesis). I have nothing to do with his thesis. But my question 'the definition of what religion is' is relevant since the title of the thesis is Global politisk islam? (Global political Islam?); image 2 shows my copy of the thesis. Thanks to Doctor Sameh Egyptson and Lunds universitet (The University of Lund in Sweden) for an interesting dissertation and a great party! Egyptson's answer to my question was roughly 'politics is about governing societies'. I'm not satisfied with such definitions. I prefer my definition: 'politics is to intentinally put demands on individuals or groups in order to govern groups or societies'. And texts and phrases can be political. I published this definition in my book Amorism, välvilja kärlek lycka (in the year 2016) and on this website, in the article Politik, definition. The advantage of the Amoristic definition is that it explains that societies can be affected by the faith of individuals; clarification: amorism stresses that political parties are not the only (and not always the foremost) factors that affect democracy and societies. Ideas (and illusions) can dramatically affect society and democracy. Warning, don't trust too much in ideas (or illusions) like 'freedom', 'democracy is easy', 'all have the same dignity' and 'science is enough'.

Jpg.Biskop Fredrik Vesterberg besöker Sameh Egyptsons disputation
Image 2. In the afternoon
at Egyptson's defence of
his doctoral thesis.
 I (Bishop and Philosopher
Fredrik) am here 
in the
. The 2023-02-09
I heard of the dissertation. 
I happily managed
to buy a cheap ticket
to Lund. Therefore I
could visit the dissertation. 
With more financial support
this report could be better.

The reason why our Church Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism creates and preserves philosophy is to avoid misunderstandings and abuses of facts and concepts. (By philosophy I mean, at least, to define important concepts.) Our Church was founded in the year 2012 in order to perform these tasks and to improve the ability for mankind to understand the concept of love and the concept of righteousness; at least what our Church means with these concepts.

One can be an amorist at the same time as one votes for any political party and at the same time as one belongs to other religions. Amorism hallows virtues. Amorism does not hallow or suggest demands. Therefore: Amorism® is a non-political faith and non-political religion, at least as non-political as any religion can be. Our creed, our sacraments and our book stresses that our faith is undemanding and non-political. But the Quran, Islam and many other religions don't stress that they themselves are undemanding. Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Amorism and every religion and many other ideas claim and defend what they mean are universal truths. Therefore and with my Amoristic definition of politics (and religion): there is no non-political: Islam, Judaism etc.. I don't agree with Egyptson's thesis since it claims that there is 'non-political Islam' (he calls that 'spiritual Islam'). Islam in the Quran (and Judaism in The Old Testament and Talmud) suggests humans to punish other humans. That is politics. Islam and Judaism are law-religions. Christianity doesn't suggest humans to punish other humans. (The New Testament in the Bible tells that God will punish.) Jesus in The New Testament says that he will not abolish the law. But he stresses that love God and love our neighbours is more important than other commandments. And The New Testament preaches a lot about forgiveness and grace. Saint Paul in The New Testament and the classical Christian tradition does not follow all the commandments in The Old Testament. This is valid for at least 90 % of all Christians. The focus is instead on love and The Ten commandments. Therefore Christianity is not as political as Islam and Judaism. I correct and stress: not even Sufism is non-political. This is because Sufism recommends that beleivers obey some law (either the Sharia law or some other Islamic law); or Sufism recommends that beleivers obey some leader, namely some Qutb or some Shaykh. Amorism is an exception from other religions because Amorism stresses that Amorism is foremost an undemandig holy teaching. Amorism and the amoristic creed also states that Amorism is no court. Amorism is also unique since amorism hallows no punishments. I understand that there are many individuals in the other religions who say that they themselves don't put demands on other human beings. But how can we trust that?, namely: where are their holy scriptures and holy creeds?; I found no stressing of non-self-contradictory holy teacing there. Please, support my writing of the updated books on Amorism! 

By the way: each and every normal, grown up human is political (has political and religious ideas and actions; pre-amoristic philosophy may not always understand this). Amorism is neither for nor against demands. One of the Amoristic virtues is power (political and other powers). But power is only a relative virtue, not the absolute virtue. But Amorism stresses that the religion of Amorism is demandless holy education. Amorism suggests that Amorists can interpret and develop the law if they wish. Amorists can put demands on themselves and others. Amorists can join political parties. The Church doesn't demand that Amorists do anything. Christianity is an intermediary between Judaism and Islam on one side and Amorism on the other side. Amorism hallows roughly 18 virtues (mentioned in the Amoristic creed). Six of these amoristic virtues are extra important here, namely: 1. love (amorism, total benevolence to all human beings, not to things), 2. freedom, 3. polite freedom of expression, 4. grace, 5. forgiveness and 6. scientific attitude. Christianity, especially Lutheran Christianity has affected northern Europe and enabled the development of democracy there. If these virtues are not hallowed in society, then there will be less democracy and less freedom. Remember the violent Muslims protests in Sweden and the Islamic world against Paludan's burning of the Quran. If someone burnt his own and easily reproducible Bible there would not be violent protests thanks to the mentioned virtues. (I never burned a Quran and never told anyone to do it.) Communism is very often like a totalitarian religion (according to the amoristic definition of religion). Therefore democracy and freedom is not evident in any Communist country. If you wish to promote and keep democracy and freedom, then the hallowing (prioritizing) of communism can't replace the hallowing (prioritizing) of Amoristisc virtues. Non-Christian and non-Amoristic religions can't support freedom and democracy as much. And, dear mr Egyptson: It's not just one Islamic group that acts in Sweden. Namely, several individuals and groups have been acting politically in Sweden since the 1970s. Please, financially support my writing and publishing of new books on Amorism.

References and links:

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Vänliga hälsningar till alla från Fredrik och Amoristerna!

Jag är filosofen, grundaren och ledaren (biskop) i Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism®.

1 kommentar:

  1. As you wrote in this great and important article: De flesta människor är mer eller mindre politiska. Men amorism hävdar att välvilja till alla kan vara viktigt att känna till; det kan lösa många problem. Mvh from a devoted amorist


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