Love drive

Improved the 2020-07-21 at 11:30 o'clock libido. This article was published on the 2020-07-18 at 14:04 o'clock.

Jpg. Love-drive
Image of the book Amorism.
The love-drive
 (kärleksdriften) is described
i this book.
This article is intended to be improved. Love drive or love-drive is a concept created for Amorism®. Amorism explains that benevolence is the essence in all true love. Friendship, kindness and liking are not always love. The love-drive is not the same as sex-drive. The love-drive is a fundamental characteristic of every mentally advanced being (at least human beings). The love-drive may be affected by education, meditation or prayer. The love-drive is in the dogmatics of Amorism. It is also described in the Swedish book Amorism, välvilja kärlek lycka. The first edition was published in the year 2016. In Swedish the love-drive is coined as kärleksdrift.

Amorism supports this in order to create better order in psychology and philosophy. Please read an article on Amoristic concepts as love-violence, love-brutality and love-hate. They are hyphenated for clarity. Otherwise they risk to be confused.
The latin word libido means desire etc. It is appropriate to use libido as a latin word for german Trieb, english drive and Swedish drift. Libido should not be restricted to sexual drive, (despite some psychologists have done that since modern times in the 20-th century).

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Jag är filosofen, grundaren och ledaren (biskop) i Amoristerna, kyrkan för amorism®.

1 kommentar:

  1. Good, informative, important and pioneering work! We wish you and Amorim good luck. Kindest regards from Professor Olof Vesterberg


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